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GOOD BETTER & BEST Never let it rest, until your good is better & your better is best!

GOOD BETTER & BEST Never let it rest, until your good is better & your better is best!


Parental Support and involvement are essential to the short AND long-term success of UCSA. However, we expect that all parents/guardians allow our coaches to coach without interference.


We expect parents/guardians to have their kids at practice and games on time. We understand that things happen from time to time, but punctuality is greatly appreciated.


If parents/guardians have any issues or concerns regarding their children; be it playing time, discipline methods, or otherwise, please do so in the appropriate manner - in private, with one of the designated coaches. Please NOT in front of the kids. We understand that YOU are the parent/guardian and we are the coaches; but coaches must make decisions with concern for the overall well-being of the “team”, not just one student athlete.



University City Sports Association
7210 Olive Blvd 
University City, Missouri 63130

Email: [email protected]

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